Science articles and medical features written by scientists internationally...

03 February 2011

The digital world is all around us, and is becoming evermore layered and integrated into our lives. Technology,...

27 January 2011

As more carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, the world's oceans become more acidic, affecting the...

19 January 2011

Niraj Lal looks at a growing part of our electrical future: the solar cell...

11 January 2011

Have you ever wondered why people donate their body to medical science? Or what goes on in the dissection room? Medical...

14 December 2010

Plants and animals seem worlds apart, but in some important ways, we are more like plants than we realise...

07 December 2010

Is earthquake prediction for California truly a problem beyond the powers of science, or is there something that...

28 November 2010

Of all the slang names for the British, none is more iconic than 'Limey'. While the the term provokes...

21 November 2010

A massive star ends its life with a BANG – a supernova - seen on Earth as bursts of energy in the form of light,...

13 November 2010

Rheanna Sand gives us an insight into how deadly toxins can be used to serve, rather than to harm, humans. She takes a...

06 November 2010

Have you ever wondered what happens to a body when it is donated to a medical school? Have you ever wondered what it...

30 October 2010

Lise Meitner’s name is to many an unfamiliar one, occasionally found somewhere amid the pages of a text on nuclear...

24 October 2010

Unless you’re shot in the head or hit by a bus, your immune system has a major and direct influence on your life span!...

16 October 2010

First came fire. Cavemen rubbed sticks together and there it was, a source of ‘artificial’ heat and light, giving us...

10 October 2010

The tale of antiquity's greatest mathematician, Archimedes, leaping from his bath and bustling naked through the...

01 October 2010

Bees are being trained to detect drugs and explosives...

05 July 2010

A dirty joke is a sort of mental rebellion...

11 March 2010

Antimatter can make anything - even anybody - vanish merely by touching it. But at the moment antimatter itself appears...

11 February 2010

“Love is the drug and I need to score,” sang Bryan Ferry in the seventies, earning him a smash hit and a small fortune...

29 December 2009

We’re all searching for happiness, but do we really know what this is or where to find it? Douglas E. Richards gives...

15 December 2009

It is the stuff of nightmares - a society so wound up in the legal system that no-one is allowed to tell you the truth...

01 December 2009

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Switzerland is now back in operation. By smashing particles together at...

13 October 2009

For anyone fresh out of frogs and tempted to kiss a toad instead, this article has a word of warning. Although certain...

01 October 2009

Noam Chomsky, a rookie professor at MIT, published a ground-breaking book called Syntactic Structures, which set out a...

15 August 2009

Swine flu, SARS, Bird Flu, HIV, Dengue, Hepatitis C, Ebola - the human race is awash with new infections - but where...